આજરોજ ધોરણ 9 થી 12 માં એકમ કસોટીનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવેલું હતું એની પીડીએફ આ પેજ ઉપર તમે ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકશો. 

Date: 26/08/2022


ગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડ ગાંધીનગર 

આજરોજ લેવાયેલી એકમ કસોટી માં પુછાયેલા નિબંધો 

ધોરણ 9 ગુજરાતી 

મારા શૈશવના સ્મરણ,

પ્રાર્થનાનું બળ, 

શિયાળાની સવાર,

મોબાઈલ સ્માર્ટફોન ના લાભાલાભ,

દીકરી વહાલનો દરિયો,, 

આજરોજ ગુજરાતીમાં પુછાયેલા વિચાર વિસ્તારો

સફળતા જિંદગીની હસ્તરેખામાં નથી હોતી, જણાવેલી ઈમારત તેના નકશામાં નથી હોતી

આજરોજ ગુજરાતીમાં પુછાયેલા પ્રશ્નો

રૂઢિપ્રયોગ ના અર્થ જણાવો:

એકમ કસોટી ના પેપર

સમાનાર્થી શબ્દો,

તળપદા શબ્દો,

વિરુદ્ધાર્થી શબ્દો,


સ્વર વ્યંજન,

રૂઢિ પ્રયોગ,


અર્થ વિસ્તાર,

વિચાર વિસ્તાર


ધોરણ નવ ગુજરાતી આજરોજ લેવાયેલી એકમ કસોટી પ્રશ્ન બેંકમાંથી પુછાયેલા પ્રશ્નો આ મુજબના હતા તો આ માહિતી તમને ગમી હોય તો અવશ્ય તમારા દરેક સાથે નજર સુધી શેર કરી દેજો અને કોઈપણ પ્રશ્ન હોય તો તમે કોમેન્ટ કરી શકો છો તથા સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન અને ગણિત ના પેપર ટૂંક સમયમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે

વિજ્ઞાન પ્રશ્ન બેંક એકમ કસોટી પેપર 2022 

ગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડ ગાંધીનગર દ્વારા આજરોજ વિજ્ઞાન એકમ કસોટી લેવામાં આવેલી હતી એનું સંપૂર્ણ સોલ્યુશન આજે આપણે જોઇશું



Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board,


(11) Science (E)

Std.‐9        Question Bank‐2 (August 2022) Date : 25‐8‐2022

Section : A

* Total 25 Questions are given in this section. Choose any five questions

from the following. (1 Mark for each) [05]

(A) Select the Correct Opiton.

(1) What type of mixture is salt and sulphur?

  (A) Homogeneous (B) Heterogeneous

  (C) Saturated (D) None of these.

(2) A Solution of Iodine in alcohol known as__________

  (A) Tincture of Iodine (B) Milk of magnesia

  (C) Iodoform (D) Iodoalcohol

(3) Which method of separation is used for separation of different solutes that

dissolved in the same solvent ?

  (A) Crystallisation (B) Chromatography

  (C) Distillation (D) Sublimation

(4) What is the temperature range on the moon ?

  (A) 190°C to 110°C (B) ‐190°C to 110°C

  (C) 190°C to ‐110°C (D) ‐290°C to 220°C

(5) What is the outer crust of the earth called ?

  (A) Lithosphere (B) Hydrosphere

  (C) Atmosphere (D) Biosphere

(6) At what time direction of wind is from sea to land ?

  (A) at night time (B) at new moon day

  (C) at day time (D) A and C both

(7) Which is the only non‐metal that is liquid at room temperature?

  (A) Mercury (B) Bromine

  (C) Iron (D) Sodium

(8) What is the inter conversion of states of matter is called ?

  (A) Physical change (B) Chemical change

  (C) A and B both (D) None of these.

(9) How much part of the earth is covered with water ?

  (A) 25 % (B) 50%

  (C) 75% (D) 90%

(10) Which of the following is a green house gas ?

  (A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide

  (C) Nitrogen (D) Helium

(B) Fill in the Blanks :

(1) The Formula of Ozone is________.

(2) Nitrogen gas makes up____% of our atmosphere.

(3) __________Separation method is used to separate butter from cream.

(4) An increase in the content of harmful substances in air is called_______.

(5) Purification of salt that we get from sea water is obtained by the method_________.

(C) True or False :

(1) Soil erosion increases soil fertility.

(2) In cold weather when water condenses out of air is known as smog.

(3) Carbon dioxide constitutes up to 50‐60% of the atmosphere on Venus and Mass.

(4) A Colloid is a heterogeneous mixture.

(5) In a solution of sugar, sugar is a solvent and water is a solute.

(D) Answer the following questions as directed :

(1) What is a pure substance?

(2) Write one example of any sublime.

(3) Who was the first scientist to use the term element ?

(4) What is the full form of CFC ?

(5) Name two biologically important compounds that contain both Oxygen and


Section : B

* Total 25 Questions are given in this section. Choose any five question

from the following : [2 Marks for each] [10]

(1) Differentiate between‐ Homogeneous Mixture and Heterogeneous Mixture.

(2) Write any four physical properties of metal.

(3) What are metalloids ? Give examples of metalloids.

(4) How are clouds formed ? 

(5) List any two human activities that you think would lead to air pollution.

(6) Do you know any activity which may be polluting water source ?

(7) What are the different states in which water is found during the water cycle ?

(8) What are the two forms of Oxygen found in the atmosphere?

(9) Classify each of the following as a homogeneous or a heterogeneous mixture.

  Soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar, filtered tea.

(10) Write any four properties of solution.

(11) Write applications of chromatography.

(12) What are Compounds ? Give any two examples of compounds.

(13) What is the classification of Elements ?

(14) Write any four physical properties of non metals.

(15) What is Solution ? Write the components of Solution ?

(16) Differentiate between Physical change and chemical change.

(17) How many spheres does earth has ? Write the names.

(18) What is the role of atmosphere in climate control ?

(19) How is our atmosphere different from the atmosphere on venus and mars ?

(20) Why do organisms need water ?

(21) Why is the atmosphere essential for life ?

(22) What is the green house effect ?

(23) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of Carbon Cycle.

(24) What is Acid Rain ?

(25) Which physical methods are used to separate the constituents of heterogeneous

mixture ?

Section : C

* Total 10 Questions are given in this section. Choose any two questions from

the following : [ 3 Marks for each] [06]

(1) Write a note on how forests influence the quality of our air,soil and water.

(2) Write a short note on Oxygen cycle.

(3) What is the soil erosion ? What are the methods of preventing or reducing soil

erosion ?

(4) List any three human activities which would lead to an increase in the carbon

dioxide content of air.

(5) Write a short note on Water Cycle. 

(6) Classify the following as chemical changes or physical changes :

  (a) Cutting of trees

  (a) Melting of butter in a pan

  (b) Rusting of almirah

  (c) Boiling of water to form steam

  (d) Making a fruit salad with raw fruits

  (e) Burning of paper and wood.

(7) Classify the following elements in metals and non metals

  Iron , Hydrogen, Iodine, Silver, Carbon, Mercury

(8) Explain the activity to show the method of separation of a mixture of two

immiscible liquids.

(9) What is Suspension ? Write properties of Suspension.

(10) What is Tyndall effects ? Give examples.

Section : D

* Total 5 Questions are given in this section. Choose any One question from

the following : (4 Marks for each) [04]

(1) Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the following ?

  (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water.

  (b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and

ammonium chloride.

  (c) Different pigments from an extract of flower petals.

  (d) Oil from water.

(2) a) What is Separation ? State its importance.

         b) State various methods for separation.

(3) Explain Nitrogen cycle with the help of neat and labeled diagram.

(4) How is soil formed ?

(5) Write a short note on ozone layer. 

ધોરણ ૧૦ વિજ્ઞાન પેપર 


Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education

Board, Gandhinagar

(11) Science (E)

Std.‐10        Question Bank‐2 (August 2022)  Date : 25‐8‐2022

The school will have to conduct a unit test on its own by preparing a 25 marks

question paper as instructed in the question bank given below.

Section A

Total 25 questions are given in this section. Choose any five questions from

the following. (1 Mark for each) [05]

(A) Multiple choice question :

(1) What is the pH value of digestive juices seen in stomach ?

  (A) Less than 7 (B) More than 7

  (C) 7 (D) 0

(2) Which of the following is acidic by nature ?

  (A) Lemon Juice (B) Human Blood

  (C) Lime Water (D) Antacid

(3) Which of the following is used to cure the indigestion of food ?

  (A) Antibiotic (B) Analgesic

  (C) Antacid (D) Antiseptic

(4) The gap seen between the nerve cell is __________ .

  (A) Dentride (B) Synapse

  (C) Axon (D) Stimulation

(5) From where does the Spinal Cord pass ?

  (A) Fore brain (B) Hind brain

  (C) Spinal cord (D) Pons

(6) Which of the following is not a growth hormone in a plant ?

  (A) Auxin (B) Gibbralin

  (C) Cytokynesis D) Absesic Acid

(B) Fill in the Gaps :

(1) The Formula of sodium zincate is __________ .

(2) __________ acid is introduced in our body by the bite of a red ant.

 (3) __________ is the name of a water soluble base.


 (4) __________ part of the brain controls the blood pressure and vomiting.

(5) __________ plant posses thigmomonesty.

(6) __________ part of the body controls the phenomenon of reflex arc.

(7) __________ is used to prepare thyroxine by thyroid gland.

(C) State True/False :

(1) Base turn blue litmus to red.

(2) More concentration of HଷOା ion the more is pH.

(3) The concentration of 2 pH is more than 4 pH possesses acidic values.

(4) A doctor advised a patient with insulin injection as he suffers from goitre.

(5) A sunflower changes its position towards the sun due to the phenomenon of photonesty.

(D) Answer in short :

(1) What is used to control indigestion in stomach ?

(2) Write the formula of caustic potash ?

(3) Which acid is produced in our stomach ?

(4) Who protects the brain in our body ?

(5) What sense does sensatory unit of nose identify ?

(6) Which part of the brain has power of memory ?

Section B

• Total 25 Questions are given in this section. Choose any five question from

the following : [2 Marks for each] [10]

(1) Differentiate between the acid and base depending on is general properties ?

(2) What should be applied on a bite of honey bee ?

(3) What are olfactory indicators ? Give some examples.

(4) What are indicators ? Write the names of indicators used to differentiate acid and

base ?

(5) Why does a milkman add a small quantity of eating soda in fresh milk ?

(6) Write balanced equation : 3

   (i) Reaction with sodium hydroxide and zinc.

  (ii) Reaction of Hydrochloric acid with sodium carbonate

(7) Write significance of pH in soil.

(8) What is neutralization? Explain giving examples.

(9) Why is it advised to add water to acid other than adding acid to water to make it


(10) When acid is made to dilute how does it effect concentration of HଷOା ion.

(11) Give two examples of basic oxides ?

(12) Show the reaction between zinc granules and sodium hydroxide.

(13) Why is plaster of paris to be stored in a dry container ?

(14) Why is it advised to use iodized salt?

(15) How can you detect the smell of incense stick?

(16) Explain phenomenon of Ascent of sap.

(17) What is refractive index ?

(18) By which phenomenon is chemical reaction seen in animals ?

(19) Give scientific reason : When we stop breathing to eat food its taste cannot be


(20) Draw a labeled diagram of nerve cell.

(21) What are plant hormones ? Describe its types.

(22) What sensation is seen with introduction of adrenaline in your body ?

(23) Differentiate between plant and animal hormones.

(24) While stepping on fire one immediately lifts up his leg : justify.

(25) State the various parts seen in human brain ?

Section C

* Total 10 Questions are given in this section. Choose any two questions

from the following : [ 3 Marks for each] [06]

(1) Explain the preparation of bleaching powder with chemical equations ? 


(2) Explain preparation properties and uses of baking soda with chemical equation ?

(3) Explain preparation properties and uses of washing soda with chemical equations?

(4) Explain the significance of pH value in our day to day life :

  (A) In digestive system.

  (B) Decay of teeth.

(5) Write a short note on pH indicator.

(6) Write an experiment to study the effect of geotropism in a plant ?

(7) Explain : As to how is brain and spinal cord is protected.

(8) What is reflex action : Explain with a proper example.

(9) Draw and label human brain.

(10) Which hormone is released by adrenal gland and also state its functions ?

Section D

* Total 5 Questions are given in this section. Choose any one question

from the following : [04]

(1) Write an experiment to study the reaction with zinc granules and dilute sulphuric


 (2) Explain the reaction of metal carbonates to react with acids ?

(3) With the help of a neat diagram explain the important products from chlor‐alkali


(4) Write any four endocrine glands seen in human beings with their functions ?

(5) What is a nerve cell? Draw and label.







1) In section A total 25 questions are given, choose any 5. (1 Mark Each)

2) In section B total 15 questions are given, choose any 3. (2 Marks Each)

3) In section C total 15 questions are given, choose any 3. (3 Marks Each)

4) In section D total 05 questions are given, choose any 1. (5 Marks Each)

Section - A

 Answer the following questions in very short. (1 mark each)

(1) What is the total number of elements from period 1 to 7 in the modern periodic table?

(2) Write the name and symbol of an element with atomic number 103 according to

 IUPAC nomenclature.

(3) Write Doberiener’s law of triads.

(4) Write Mendeleev’s periodic law.

(5) What is the name given to the elements of 17th group?

(6) Which property of elements was taken as a basis in the construction of

 Mendeleev’s periodic table?

(7) Write the name and symbol of an element with atomic number 118 according

 to IUPAC nomenclature.

(8) Write general electronic configuration of d-block elements.

(9) What is meant by transuranium elements?

(10) Elements of which series are radioactive?

(11) Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of their atomic radii.

 Cl, F, I, At, Br

(12) Arrange B, Al, Mg and K in increasing order of their metallic properties.

(13) Why all the elements of the same group have similar physical and chemical


(14) Which of the following are isoelectronic species? 𝐹

−, Ar, Mg2+, Rb2+, Na+


STD:-11 (SCIENCE STREAM) DATE :- 25/08/2022


 (052) Max. Marks:-25

MEDIUM :- ENGLISH Time:-1.00 hour. 

(15) What is electronegativity?

(16) Define diagonal relationship.

(17) What is the oxidation state of Al in [AlCl(H2O)5]

2+ complex?

(18) Give an example of amphoteric oxide.

(19) Write electronic configuration of Caesium (Z=55).

(20) Which out of Mg and Mg2+ is smaller in size?

(21) Elements of which block of the modern periodic table have lowest ionisation


(22) Which element has most negative electron gain enthalpy in modern periodic


(23) What is the formula of the compound formed between aluminium and


(24) Write general electronic configuration for lanthanoid series.

(25) Arrange the following elements in the decreasing order of their electron gain


 O, S, Se, Te, Po

Section - B

 Answer the following questions in short. (2 marks each)

(26) Cations are smaller in size than their parent atom. Explain.

(27) Explain with the help of reactions with water that Na2O is a basic oxide, while

 Cl2O7 is an acidic oxide.

(28) Write the formula of the compounds formed by the bonding of the pair of

 elements given below.

 (i)Magnesium and nitrogen (ii) Phosphorous and fluorine.

(29) Does the electronegativity increase or decrease on moving from Li to F? Give


(30) Why are the radii of isoelectronic species O2-

, 𝐹

− and Na+ different from

 each other?

(31) Explain why the electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less negative than that of


(32) Write four characteristic properties of p-block elements.

(33) What are the reasons for the different chemical behaviour of the first member

 of a group of representative elements compared to that of the subsequent

 members in the same group?

(34) What is meant by covalent radius and metallic radius? Explain with


(35) Will the first ionisation enthalpy of isotopes of an element be same or different? Give answer with reason.

(36) The first ionisation enthalpy of sodium is lower than that of magnesium. Explain.

(37) Write modern periodic law. On the basis of a straight line graph of which two

 properties did Henry Moseley give modern periodic law?

(38) There are 18 elements in fifth period of the modern periodic table. Explain.

(39) Explain about the positions of hydrogen and helium elements in modern

 periodic table.

(40) Explain about the need of classifying the elements.

Section - C

 Answer the following questions in short. (3 marks each)

(41) The first member of s- and p-block elements shows anomalous behaviour as

 compared to other members of the same group. Explain.

(42) What is electron gain enthalpy? Explain in detail.

(43) Why is the first ionisation enthalpy of oxygen lower than that of nitrogen and


(44) The following elements belong to which group and period?

 (i) Iodine(Z=53) (ii) Radium(Z=88) (iii) Krypton(Z=36)

(45) Explain why is the second ionisation enthalpy of sodium lower than that of


(46) Explain (i)Electron gain enthalpy of sulphur is more than that of oxygen.

 (ii)First ionisation enthalpy of boron is less than that of beryllium.

(47) Which out P, S, Cl and F has least negative value and most negative value of

 electron gain enthalpy and why?

(48) What is the decreasing order of first, second and third ionisation enthalpy

 values of aluminium? Explain with reason.

(49) Write a note on transition elements.

(50) Give information about f-block elements.

(51) Give three point of difference between metals and non-metals on the basis of

 their chemical properties.

(52) The energy of an electron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is – 2.18 x 10-18 J.

 Calculate the value of ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom in terms of J mol-1


(53) Account for the following:

 (i)The reactivity of halogens decreases down the group but of alkali metal

 increases down the group, why?

 (ii)Arrange I, F, Cl and Br in increasing order of oxidising power.

(54)Among the elements of the third period Na to Ar, pick out the element:

 (i) with highest first ionisation enthalpy

 (ii) with largest atomic radius

 (iii)which is most reactive non-metal.

(55)Account for the following:

 (i) Which out of Fe2+ or Fe3+ is smaller in size and why?

 (ii) Anions are bigger in size than their parent atom.

 (iii) Which is largest in size – Cu+

, Cu2+ or Cu? Why?

Section - D

 Answer the following questions in detail. (5 marks each)

(56) Write a note on electronic configurations in each period of modern periodic


(57) Write five points of difference between Mendeleev periodic table and modern

 periodic table.

(58) What are the achievements and limitations of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

(59) Give a detailed explanation of trend in ionisation enthalpy along the group and

 period in modern periodic table.

(60) Answer the following questions:

 (a)Give one example each of acidic, basic and amphoteric oxide formed by any

 p-block element.

 (b) Why is F2 more reactive than Cl2?

 (c) Why phosphorous can show covalency greater than 4?

ધોરણ 9 ના તમામ વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્રોએ આ પેજ ને સાચવીને રાખવું આ પેજ ઉપર પેપર અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે

ધોરણ 10 ના તમામ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ અભ્યાસ સાચવીને રાખો કારણકે આ પેજ ઉપર આવનારી એક્ઝામ ના પેપર અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે અને સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન અને ગણિતનું પેપર પણ આજ પેજ ઉપર અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે

ગુજરાત માધ્યમિક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ બોર્ડના ધોરણ 11 ના તમામ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ સામાન્ય પ્રવાહ અને વિજ્ઞાન પ્રવાહના પેપર આ પેજ ઉપર અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે તો સેવ કરીને રાખો

ધોરણ 12 બોર્ડના તમામ પેપર અને એકમ કસોટી ના તમામ પેપર આપે જે અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે તો આ પે જ ને સેવ કરીને રાખવું

ધોરણ નવ થી ધોરણ 12 ના તમામ વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્રોને આપ માહિતી શેર કરવા વિનંતી